Ok, so you have heard that Lean Construction works, you don’t have 10,000 hours to develop mastery but you want to Giv’er a Go.

If you want to spend less time on the WHY we need to change our wasteful ways and gets more into the meat and potatoes of how to deliver a lean project, this 2-day immersion workshop is for you!
First we will quickly establish the business case and review the fundamentals of Lean and then delve into the most critical aspects of Lean Construction: Forming “the team”, and implementing the two main systems “Target Value Delivery” and the “Last Planner® System”.
Business Case and Lean Project Fundamentals (2 Hours)
Did you know? Toyota is more that 2x more profitable than their next closest competitor!
In this session we learn why some really smart people have developed similar systems for construction and how lean practices enable projects to be delivered in significantly less time, at less cost.
The current state of a Broken Building Industry
How Lean Systems drastically improve performance
Lesson Learned from exceptional projects
Assemble “The Team” and Get Going with Lean Practices (2 hours)
We have just been handed a challenging project with a tight budget and schedule and the boss is on board for adopting whatever project delivery approach is proposed. What’s next?
We need to assemble a team, get everyone on the same page with lean culture, and the lean systems to be used to fast track the project.
There are no Barriers to Qualifications-based Procurement
Assembling “the team” is key to the level of success
Bad Behavior … Not on my project! … There is no place to hide!
Kick-start the Project (Target Value Delivery – 4 hours)
At the project kick-off meeting we develop a plan to fast track the design and project costing process to achieve an early construction start. By implementing Target Value Delivery (TVD), we learn how to deliver an optimum design solution target cost and schedule.
Learn how to implement the TVD process
Create a Collaborate Work Environment (Big Room
Understand how Pull Planning is applied to design work
Execute with Discipline for Early Completion (Last Planner® System Boot Camp – 6 hours)
At Boot Camp the team learns to do battle with waste through hands on practice with the Last Planner® System (LP®S). This is a highly collaborative planning process that is based on trust, commitment and respect which enables teams to plan projects to maximize value, profit and performance.
Set the milestones and plan the project phases
Pull plan the work, developing the schedule from right to left
Coordinate and execute the work to achieve reliable and predictable workflow
Summary of the Learning Objectives
This workshop focuses on developing the framework for delivering a lean project and training on the two main systems, Last Planner and Target Value Delivery.
Establish Buy-in for Lean Project Delivery
Assemble a team based upon a competitive qualifications-based process
Implement the Last Planner System
Pull plan the design for an early construction start
Design to target cost and schedule
Be disciplined in managing work flow and eliminating waste
Set-up and manage collaborative work in the Big Room
This course will require that participants do their homework to learn Lean Project Delivery fundamentals prior to taking this fast track course. This involves reviewing course material on Lean Project Fundamentals, Last Planner System, Target Value Delivery. Upon completion of this workshop participants will have a basic understanding of how to deliver a successful lean project from start to early completion.
Connect with murrayg@shift2lean.ca to arrange for this workshop that is designed for 10 to 30 participants